Please take a moment to view the list of people that have created guides and shared information that has ultimately helped create this string thank you! Without the people mentioned below, sharing their knowledge, time, and hours of experience within World of Warcraft BETA, I wouldn’t have completed this string as quickly as I did. Once you’ve successfully imported my TSM String, you can easily maneuver my groups/subgroups within your own groups/subgroups. Thanks to TSM4.10 it’s never been easier to drag and drop groups/subgroups. However, this profile can be imported into World of Warcraft BETA today and you can make any necessary changes as you wish – please credit me where possible if you intend to share it! Please only import this into Retail – World of Warcraft once Shadowlands has released! Failure to adhere to this will result in you importing an empty profile, as the data hasn’t been released into the retail version of the game yet. This post is now outdated, please check out my new post hereĪ list of what you’ll find within my import string. You can easily add these Battle Pets at a later date as Shadowlands progresses. There are currently 9 Battle Pets with no items, as these were unobtainable at this time. With the extended maintenance on E.U last night and the inability to get to sleep, I took advantage and finally logged in to World of Warcraft – BETA and completed my Shadowlands TSM Import String. Good evening guys, after the successful feedback from my Raw Material Import string back in Battle for Azeroth, I felt obliged to help out again.

If you found this informative, or feel that this post could benefit someone else, please do consider liking and sharing this post. Be aware that TSM has difficulties with ElvUI, hence why my gold-making toons have Blizzard default UI. If your import has no data, make sure you import this to retail World of Warcraft once Shadowlands has officially released. If you do succumb to any issues following the import of either of the strings above, please do contact me, and be precise on the string you’ve imported, the issue you’re receiving. I wish any of you with any World First goals the best of luck – hopefully Blizzard hasn’t pushed anymore last-minute nerfs that intend to hinder you, especially leveling to 60. Have fun tonight, stay hydrated, and more importantly, enjoy the long-awaited content, that we’ve all been yearning for. Tradeskillmaster (TSM) – Use of their Group Creator and addon to create my TSM Import Strings. – Detailed information regarding each Battle Pets origin. Wowhead – For use of their database to acquire item ID’s R/woweconomy Battle Pet Guide – BilisOnyxia Websites: Tailoring Guide – Neryssa Uncommon/Rare Battle Pet ID’s: Please drop by their socials or guides and offer any feedback, ratings that will help towards rewarding them for their hard work. Please take a moment to view the list of people that have created guides and shared information that has ultimately helped create this string, thank you! You’ll recognize the setup if you already have my profile from the previous expansion.Ĭomplete Shadowlands TSM Import Strings (Grouped Pets) This string has Battle Pets grouped alphabetically, with information outlining each pet’s origin, as outlined below. Please only pick one option that suits your preferred setup! I have created two separate strings, the only difference is the Battle Pets groups as explained below. However, these strings can be imported into World of Warcraft BETA immediately if you have access and want to adjust the groups to your preference before Shadowlands releases. Failure to adhere to this will result in issues (e.g. If you intend to import these into retail World of Warcraft, you will need to wait until Shadowlands releases tonight. If you’d like to try my Shadowlands TSM strings instead, please check out the information below to get started.

BilisOnyxia does an incredible amount of work within the gold-making community and is undoubtedly the best person to seek advice from regarding TSM Shopping and Auctioning operations. If you opt for his Tier 2 plan, you can access his complete TSM Profile. Before I get carried away, I just wanted to remind you all that if you want a complete Shadowlands TSM profile with Shopping and Auctioning operations, please consider checking out BilisOnyxia’s Patreon.